The Inn is almost painted!

It may have taken most of the summer to do, but the old part of the Inn is almost painted!

It took a lift, from Sunbelt Rentals, frugally rented on a Friday and returned by 9am on the Monday, to get the tower and “street facing” side painted over a very long weekend. Originally when we had the bright idea of doing this we picked a slow weekend. On the way home from Sunbelt Rentals, the four other rooms rented, then on the Saturday all five rooms rented again. So while Casey was busy painting Nathan and the kids were flipping rooms.

Then we rented scaffolding by the month (for two months in the end) to do the right side of the front and around the corner on the west side of the Inn.

We say it is almost done, as there is a tricky bit over the bay window that we will need to rent a different sort of lift to get too. With the weather already turning a little that may need to wait until next year. we would also like to add the red details to the new part of the inn. We won’t need as long a stretch of good weather to get that done.

So here we have a great photo as taken by Ron Jones, a local photographer we met through the Olympia Photographers Meetup group (which now also host int he ballroom monthly). Check out ron’s other work at his web site.



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