Currated for Olympia Tourists, Travellers and Locals

  • A couple of months ago Casey was tasked with making some items that were honey based for one of the Olympia Beekeepers Assocation meetings. She really out did herself creating her take on a honey mousse. We will have to make it again as we did not take any photos,…

  • Here in Olympia we find pride and joy in our environment and love to enjoy all the greenery surrounding us. At the Swantown inn we are happy to share these enchanted spaces with you and are here to recommend the best of the best. Have a look at these ten…

    Hikes and Trails in Olympia
  • We asked one of our Baristas, Kyleena Rauser, to write a piece on the South Sound Block Party. She attended last year (we were too busy with the Inn, the curse of the Innkeeper in summer). Hopefully this inspires you to come and stay two to three nights at the…

    South Sound Block Party 2023 – Olympia Music Festival

Our hope is the articles and information we share in our blog will help both guests visting the area and locals alike, get the most out of their time in our area.


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