Category: The Inn

  • 2025 Legislative Session, overnight and short term lodging options.

    2025 Legislative Session, overnight and short term lodging options.

    We have been hosting lobbyists, lawmakers, business people and constituents at our Inn for over 25 years. Some are here for one night while testifying on bills, while others take advantage of our longer term lodging while here for the entire session. There are several reasons why people involved in our political process might want…

  • Why is the Swantown Inn a great place to hold a small or elopement wedding?

    The Swantown Inn is a great place to hold a small wedding or elopement for a number of reasons: It is a historic and beautiful building. The Inn was built in 1887 and has been lovingly restored to its former glory. The older part of the Inn provides a parlor that is perfect for an…

  • We asked AI – Why would you want to stay at the Swantown Inn?

    We all have heard about the rise of Artificial Intelligence or AI. We thought it might be fun to see what it (Google’s Bard in this case) thinks about us as an Inn. We asked “Why would I want to stay at the Swantown Inn?”. Here is what it told us, with just a minor…