Tag: Bed & Breakfast

  • Swantown Inn & Spa Expansion

    After seven years of trying we have secured a lender and are completing our expansion! During the next 6 months we will be constructing a new “wing” that will include a function room, a self contained to bedroom suite, and garage. We will be working with our builder to minimize construction noise, with none on…

  • Eastside Olympia Weather

    Eastside Olympia Weather

    Have you ever wondered what the weather is like at the Swantown Inn & Spa? Well worry no more as we have a new weather station up and running. Nathan is a tech geek and for Christmas Casey and the kids got him a new weather station.  He had had one in our early years…

  • Olympia Beekeepers

    Olympia Beekeepers

    Olympia can be what we like to call, “crunchy granola”.  In touch with nature, mother earth. A little bit of that was always in us, but living here has made us explore that even more. One of the ways we connect with nature is our extensive vegetable gardens. we love growing food for ourselves and…