Pandemic Protocols

Updated for changes on April 12th 2022.

We are extremely happy to be able to take guests in all of the Inn again as we enter a time when there are few restrictions given by our states Pandemic Response Plan. Safety for both you, your fellow guests and our family is paramount moving forward. If you feel you can not comply with these safety measures, unfortunately we are not able to accept your reservation.

It is much easier for our guests to comply if everyone is vaccinated. Consider renting our Puget Suite if you are not vaccinated, at our Vacation rental rate. That way you do need to interact with other guests or us.

The mask mandate for all people indoors regardless of vaccination status was lifted on March 21st, making it optional. If you want to wear a mask you may. Some local businesses will still require you to wear one. Staff are incredibly hard to obtain and their wellness (like our own) is necessary for business to operate.

The latest modifications to the phased plan can be found here:

Because the safety of ourselves, family and guests is of utmost priority there are some changes that we have had to implement to meet the requirements for reopening (and staying open)

First:  We require guests to be vaccinated to stay in the main Inn (Astoria, Columbia, Deschutes and Percival Rooms). Unvaccinated guests may book the Puget Suite as a Vacation Rental (there will be minimal contact with other guests and innkeepers).

Second:  The spa is open, by appointment,  our therapist feels comfortable providing services in accordance with guidelines / guidance from the AMTA. Past guests may want to read how the spa now operates differentlyMasks are required, as massage is considered a medical procedure and it is state mandated. As the Spa is located within the Inn, vaccination is also required.

Third:  Your innkeepers (Nathan & Casey) cannot interact in the same way with the same services as we had previously.

  • In order to maintain a distance and cross contamination the cookie jar in the parlor has been removed.
  • The extra blankets and pillow have been removed from the guest rooms (just ask if you need more).
  • Once you occupy your room, we will not be entering until after you check out.
  • If during your stay you need anything (extra blankets, pillows, new towels, toilet paper, etc) we give you a tote to put the dirty items in and you can place them outside your room, we will then empty the tote and put the fresh clean items in.
  • Breakfast will either at separate tables, socially distanced (unless you are travelling with a group).

Cleaning:  To ensure our guest and common rooms are disinfected we will be cleaning all common area frequently touched surfaces (door handles, light switches, bannisters, etc) several times a day.  In the guest rooms, any soft goods that can be removed from the room (pillows, curtains, blankets, etc) are either fully washed or steam sanitized between guests.  Also any soft goods that can not be removed and laundered (upholstered chairs, rugs, blinds) will be steamed in place.  All hard surfaces will be disinfected with a hospital grade alcohol based disinfectant.



In order to comply with Contract Tracing mandate we will need to collect contact information for anyone who enters the inn.  This includes guests for weddings.  We need to collect Names, Phone number and Email for everyone, and store this information for 30 days at which time it will be destroyed.



One response to “Pandemic Protocols”

  1. Rose Ayers

    Thanks for being safe and responsible- we look forward to our visit

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