
The Olympia Farmers Market

The market is a great place to spend a couple of hours. If you are planning a trip here keep in mind it is open Thursday through Sunday from 10am to 3pm, April to October, then Saturday and Sunday only in November and December, and finally Saturdays only January through March .

It is the perfect place to grab some lunch before checking in at the Inn, or as one of the many things to do and see while you are here. Remember that the market is not just about the produce, their are great food vendors as well. Our favorite has to be the Mexican, Los Tulenos, where we almost always get Don Pepe’s burrito. Then we wander over and sit and listen to the live music while we devour the food! You will only need a light dinner after one of these.

The market has all of the following vendors;

  • Fruit and Vegetables
  • Art and Gifts
  • Meals and Snacks
  • Flowers and Plants
  • Meat and Fish
  • Chocolate!
  • Clothing
  • It even has the Master Gardeners’ garden adjoining it, giving you the opportunity on weekends to grill the locals on what grows best around here.

You can even follow the Farmers Market on Facebook, where they post daily updates on events and musicians.

Make sure you check out the Olympia Farmers Market web site.

Brewery Park (formerly Tumwater Falls Park)

We have a great little Salmon run and hatchery here in Olympia and Tumwater. You can start by seeing the salmon schooling at the 5th Avenue bridge in Olympia, watch them trace there way up Capitol lake and the Deschutes River, and then finally visit Tumwater Falls and the Deschutes Watershed and see the hatchery and final leaps.

The Salmon run from early September to late October, so there is still time to catch a glimpse of a few of the stragglers. Prime time is the new moon in September, or so we are told. We are impressed even when they are not as thick in the water!

A 3 Stop Day around Olympia

So if you are looking for a fun day to fill a day around Olympia here is a suggestion that will not break the bank.

First head off to Wolf Haven and take a tour (which start on the hour, and now you must book in advance). You get to learn a lot about wolves and why they are such a beneficial part of the ecosystem.

Next it is off to the Monarch Sculputure Park. This is a non-profit outdoor art gallery. Self guided tours. Donations excepted. It is also located on the Chelalis Bicycle Trail. So if your keen you could do this as part of a bike ride from Olympia. It is an interesting mix of art and worth the stop.

Finally a bite to eat will be in order so on your way back to Olympia stop at Lattin’s Cider Mill. The apple cider is great! They have a country style produce store, home made pies and donuts. All the fixings for a nice casual lunch in their gardens and farm.

Of course ideally you will wind up back at our Bed and Breakfast for a relaxing late afternoon, followed by a delicious dinner at one of Olympia’s great restaurants.

City of Olympia

Olympia is the Capital of Washington State, and is located at the tip of the Puget Sound about 60 miles south of Seattle, Washington and 110 miles north of Portland, Oregon.

A diverse city with a strong community spirit, an vibrant arts movement, and wonderful events and festivals.

For more information visit: City of Olympia

Northwest Trek

This 615-acre park has a little bit of everything: lakes, trails, meadows and plenty of animals. Northwest Trek is home to more than 200 North American animals.

A 30 to 40 minute drive from the Swantown Inn. This makes a great day trip.

For more information visit: Northwest Trek

State Capitol Campus

isitors are invited year-round to enjoy the beauty of more than 30 landscaped acres with seasonal floral displays surrounding our state Capitol.

Open for free tours between 10am and 3pm, 7 days a week.

For more information visit: State Capitol Campus

Wolf Haven International

A nonprofit organization whose mission is “working for wolf conservation” by: protecting our wild wolves; providing sanctuary for captive-born wolves; promoting wolf restoration in historic ranges; and educating the public on the value of all wildlife. Note that you must book a tour in advance.

For more information visit: Wolf Haven

Washington Center for the Performing Arts

The Washington Center takes great pride in our track record of presenting the artistic work of the world. We are committed to curiosity and inclusiveness… to trying to understand the world a little more through the performance traditions of many cultures. It is often the sound of an unusual instrument, the unexpected angle of a body, or the different treatment of time that can bring “the other” into focus.

Our curatorial responsibility is broad, including western and non-western work, contemporary and traditional forms, and work that speaks to a broad cross-section of our community. Very few will be moved by all of what we do, but everyone can be moved by some of what we do. Join us and help bring the world into greater focus.

For more information visit: Washington Center for the Performing Arts

Harlequin Productions at the State Theater

In 1991, a group of five people–James L. This, Scot Whitney, Linda Whitney, Phil Annis and Ronna Smith– founded the non-profit theater company. Their goal was to produce a more challenging style of theater than was available locally. Together, they totaled three directors, one actor, one set designer, one technical wizard, and one business manager. They wrote their mission statement, pooled their startup capital–a whopping $400 cash–and began producing individual shows at the Washington Center Stage II, a “black box” venue that seated about 100.

Today they perform and own the old State Theater.

For more information visit: Harlequin Productions at the State Theater