Currated for Olympia Tourists, Travellers and Locals

  • Support Small Business Series The Swantown Inn is a small Mom and Pop, family owned business. In this series of blog posts we want to highlight other small businesses. Some we frequent often, some less so, but if there is a choice between a chain and a local option we…

    Lolli Llama- Olympia’s Sweetest Shop
  • Support Small Business Series The Swantown Inn is a small Mom and Pop, family owned business. In this series of blog posts we want to highlight other small businesses. Some we frequent often, some less so, but if there is a choice between a chain and a local option we…

    The Reef – Olympia’s Favorite Diner
  • Birding is a great way to get out explore nature and find new and different things to see. Birding in Olympia, offers a diverse experience for enthusiasts of all levels. Because of our location, Olympia provides a variety of habitats, from wetlands and tidal flats to dense forests and open…

    Birding in Olympia and Thurston County

Our hope is the articles and information we share in our blog will help both guests visting the area and locals alike, get the most out of their time in our area.


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