Olympia can be what we like to call, “crunchy granola”. In touch with nature, mother earth. A little bit of that was always in us, but living here has made us explore that even more. One of the ways we connect with nature is our extensive vegetable gardens. we love…
At the Swantown Inn & Spa, in Olympia Washington, we like to think we move with the times. We try to keep up with the latest technology, while respecting the historic nature of our property. In 2016 we made an upgrade to our electric supply and in turn added an…
Most government workers do not immediately think of a Bed and Breakfast when looking for a hotel, motel or lodging. However quite a few do! Ours, the Swantown Inn & Spa, happily accepts the Olympia Government Per Diem, for both lodging and breakfast. Olympia Government Per Diem Facts There are…
Our hope is the articles and information we share in our blog will help both guests visting the area and locals alike, get the most out of their time in our area.
Sites and pages we think are useful