Currated for Olympia Tourists, Travellers and Locals

  • It may have taken most of the summer to do, but the old part of the Inn is almost painted! It took a lift, from Sunbelt Rentals, frugally rented on a Friday and returned by 9am on the Monday, to get the tower and “street facing” side painted over a…

    The Inn is almost painted!
  • If you didn’t already know, we added on to the Inn just over a year ago. The Grand Victorian Ballroom and the Puget Suite were the major additions with other smaller upgrades to the older part of the Inn as well. The ballroom is working out great but we would…

  • Right in our backyard are the beautiful and majestic Olympic Mountains, part of the Olympic National Park. It always amazes me how during our high tourist season we get both regional and international guests who have Mount Rainier National Park on their list, but have not even considered the Olympics…

Our hope is the articles and information we share in our blog will help both guests visting the area and locals alike, get the most out of their time in our area.


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