Currated for Olympia Tourists, Travellers and Locals

  • What a delicious way to use fresh Rhubarb.  The tartness from the rhubarb and the additional tang from the buttermilk really shine and make a treat with your morning coffee.

    Buttermilk Rhubarb Coffee Cake
  • This was a first for me.  But it turned out lovely, has great floral notes, but not overpowering and the color is so pretty.

    Lilac Syrup
  • A similar recipe came across my Facebook feed and of course I had to try it and make it my own.  Around the same time I also saw a Facebook Reel that gave tips on how to get those beautifully domed muffins.  So I decided to test the recipe and…

    Mixed Berry Olive Oil Muffins

Our hope is the articles and information we share in our blog will help both guests visting the area and locals alike, get the most out of their time in our area.


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