Category: News
Olympia Washington Antiquing
Whether you are in to antique furniture or vintage clothing, Olympia has an array of stores that will overwhelm your senses and fill your car with treasures. From the more than dozen antique, collectable and vintage stores in the heart of downtown, to the more remote treasure troves in the county. At the Swantown Inn…
Newsletter Reboot!
We just rebooted our newsletter, but want to make sure everyone can see what we have been up to during our expansion project, so here it is in blog form too! We hope you will read this long in the making edition of our hopefully to be more regular newsletter. A lot has changed at…
Olympia, so much to do!
Casey wrote this a few years ago for the Washington Bed and Breakfast Guild web site, that site and organization is being rebranded and turning in to the Washington Innsiders, which we are proud to have just rejoined. Olympia is located at the southern most tip of the Puget Sound about 60 miles south of…